Our Pastors


Pastor Mark and Christine Johnson have been happily married for more than 38 years. They have been involved in ministry since they were married. Together they are impacting lives in the Body of Christ.


Mark Johnson
(Senior Pastor)

Pastor Mark worked in research and development for a chemical company for over 20 years, but after many months of prayer and fasting, God called Pastor Mark and Christine to begin Life Fellowship Church.

“I am so grateful the Lord called us to pioneer Life Fellowship and I am humbled and honored to be the Senior Pastor.

As the Senior Pastor, I take my role very seriously and desire to lead Life Fellowship to be a vibrant, healthy, balanced and mature church that will continue to impact the lives of individuals and families in our community and across the world. 

I have served in ministries in the areas of youth, singles, education, small groups and worship. I have a passion for seeing people receive Christ and grow into strong, committed disciples of Christ. As a drummer I have a heart for worship. I enjoy building teams and seeing lives transformed to become all God created them to be. I invite you to join us on this exciting journey where you will have the opportunity to grow and invest into the lives of others around you.”

Christine Johnson

Using her gift of teaching, Pastor Christine brings the Bible to life for students both seasoned and new. Her depth of understanding of Scripture allows for clear engagement and application to our daily lives. In addition to her love for teaching, she also directs the volunteers and handles the administrative duties.

She has been involved in many areas of ministry: teaching children, students and adults. She is gifted in planning and organizing. Her love for the Lord and for people are evident in her leadership.